Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Memory Drawing

I have come to the conclusion that I am shallow. Shallow in terms of my imagination. So I've determined to make that weakness a strength. I have a small sketchbook that I have for drawing compositions and faces. I got the idea from James Gurney's post about his Facebook. The idea is to find a face that has certain characteristics that appeal to me and draw it from observation. The objective is to concentrate on observing structure and specific facial characteristics in order to later draw the same face from memory. The result is the impression of what you have observed. Later when I am drawing from imagination my brain can call upon these observations to inform my imaginative drawings. These were done with a ball point pen. Total time is 30 mins.


  1. Jamin your a great draftsman. You've always had amazing sensitivity with line and value. And, this, this is hard. To draw it from memory. I've realized how limited I am at doing this. You've inspired me. Your the man dude. skills

  2. Thanks Justin. I appreciate your comments. I'll keep them in mind for a rainy day.

  3. Hi Jamin again. I like your effort to create something "real" using just the memory, it´s really difficult. About making the drawings with ball pens, this has remembered me an spanish artist that makes big drawings with only blue Bic ball pens ( very common and cheap):
    I hope you like it, bye.

  4. Yeah! These look really great. He looks like a fun guy, whoever he is. Andrew Christensen has been trying a similar approach to drawing lately (more memory and imagination-based stuff) and he's really gotten into it. Its freed him from something.

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